Teaching Plan

The Teaching Plan section breaks the lesson down into the individual activities that comprise a Treasuring Christ lesson. Activities are divided into three categories: Engage, Discover and Treasure. Engage activities are fun ways to introduce a lesson’s topic. Discover activities are where the Bible study happens. Treasure activities encourage kids to share the treasure of Christ’s love with the world around them. Simply click on the activity titles below to see each activity. Activity PDFs can be downloaded within the specific activity window.

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Children and Students alike need to see that God's Word speaks truth into the world in which they live. In this section, we connect their world with God's written Word.


Every week children and students come to church with different backgrounds, pressures, temptations, joys and fears. It is vital that they know God's Word is truth that they can apply to every area of their lives. We want children and students to discover for themselves the truth of God's Word.


Our priority on the Bible and its focus on the Gospel motivates us to share this treasure with others. Our desire is that students treasure Christ above all else and that they have a passion to show the world around them that they treasure Christ, a burden to go to their family, friends, neighbors and to the nations with this good news, and an encounter with Christ.