Preschool: Reinforcement Activity

(15 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Golden Calf resource page, scissors, newspapers, brown or gray fingerpaint, paper plates, white copy paper, yellow crayons, glue sticks, wipes (for cleanup)

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Teacher Note: Prior to class, cut out the pictures of the golden calf from the Golden Calf resource page (see resources). Each student should receive one picture of the golden calf. Also cover the tables with newspaper and pour brown or gray fingerpaint onto several paper plates to be placed on the tables.

With this activity, students will create paintings of Mount Sinai. They will also glue a picture of the golden calf at the bottom of their mountain painting. Before beginning the craft, distribute paint aprons (if available) and make certain the children’s shirtsleeves are rolled up.

To begin, give each student a piece of white copy paper and a picture of the golden calf. Also set out yellow crayons and glue sticks. First, instruct the children to color their golden calf picture. Students should then glue their picture in the bottom right corner of their paper. Next, instruct them to use the fingerpaints provided to draw a mountain on their paper. Instruct students not to paint over their golden calf.

While students are painting, remind them that God spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai. The Israelites failed to trust God for very long. They wanted a god they could see, so Aaron created them a golden calf. God was angry at the Israelites’ disobedience. He knew that it was best for the people to worship only Him—the one true God. He knew what was best for the Israelites.
