Toddler: Reinforcement Activity

(10 minutes)

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Option #1

Remind the children that the Israelites disobeyed God by worshiping an idol. It can be hard to obey God sometimes, but that God wants to help us obey Him. When we trust Jesus to save us, God sends us the Holy Spirit to help us obey Him. We can also pray and ask God to help us obey Him.

Read the scenarios below to the children. Instruct them to stand up if the child in the scenario is obeying God. They will remain seated if the child is disobeying God.

  1. Julia shares a toy with her friend. (Stand. God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Julia was loving her friend by sharing with her.)
  2. Taylor hits his brother. (Sit. Taylor was not loving his brother when he hit him. God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves.)
  3. Cora cleans up her toys when her mommy asks her to. (Stand. God commands us to obey our parents in the Lord, and Cora obeyed by cleaning up.)
  4. Dillon prays and thanks God for his lunch before he eats it. (Stand. God commands us to give thanks in all circumstances. Dillon was giving thanks to God.)
  5. Maggie draws on the wall after mommy said not to. (Sit. God commands us to obey our parents in the Lord, and Maggie was not obeying her mommy.)
  6. Ryan helps take care of his new baby sister. (Stand. God commands us to take care of those who cannot care for themselves, and Ryan obeyed God by caring for his baby sister.)

Option #2

Supplies Needed: Examples of opposites (i.e. big and small, black and white, day and night, young and old, high and low)

Teacher Note: This activity will highlight the concept of opposites. You will need to provide several examples of opposites such as a big book and a small book, black and white paper, picture of day and night, or a picture of a baby and an elderly person.

The Israelites disobeyed God by doing the opposite of what God said to do. God told them not to worship idols, but they did not listen. They did the opposite of what God commanded.

Use this time to discuss opposites. Show the children the examples of opposites you brought to class. Invite the children to name some other opposites if they can. If the children seem familiar with the idea of opposites, you can mix up the examples you brought and let the children try to match the opposites.