Teaching Plan

The Customizable Teaching Plan is where you will find every activity needed for an amazing time of Bible Study with your students.

  • There are four different plans to choose from, Complete, Younger, Older, and Master Teacher. (Although activities have been carefully designed with age-appropriate behavior, topics, and learning styles in mind, you know your own group better than anyone – feel free to customize your plan to best fit your group’s personality and needs.)
  • Each plan is broken into three sections: Connect, Explore, and Transform.
  • Simply click on the activity titles below to see each activity.
  • Activity PDFs can be downloaded within the specific activity window.


Connect options are fun ways to introduce the lesson's theme(s). Your choices for Connect activities include:

  • Drama—A short drama script that can be performed by your students
  • Media Option—Media options are videos, photos, audio files, or slide shows
  • Age Specific Options—Activities to get your students ready for the lesson
  • Review Questions—Questions to review the previous lesson's content


Explore options are where Bible Study happens. Your choices for Explore activities include:

  • The Key Study—An interactive, small group Bible Study focusing on the Biblical Passage (includes Map and Timeline reference)
  • The Master Teacher Key Study—A sermon-style Bible Study focusing on the Biblical Passage
  • Age Specific Options—Bible Study activities developed specifically for younger and older students


Transform options help your students apply the lesson's truths. Your choices for Transform activities include:

  • Deeper Discussion—Questions to take your students deeper into the application of the lesson
  • Creative Prayer—Interactive ways to pray
  • Age Specific Options—Application activities developed specifically for younger and older students
Choose a Teaching Plan:

Connect Activity

Connect activities get students ready to learn. Choose one or two of the activities below to introduce this week’s lesson.

Explore Activity

Explore activities lead students to study Scripture. Teach the Key Study to focus on the Biblical Truth. If you choose, support the Key Study with one or two of the following activities.

Transform Activity

Choose one or two Transform activities to challenge students to live differently. Keep in mind that the Holy Spirit ultimately brings about change, so help students draw near to Him.