
Biblical Passage

Luke 14:25–33

Supporting Passages

Matthew 4:18–22; Luke 9:57–62; Philippians 3:1–14

Memory Verse

Luke 14:33

Biblical Truth

Jesus calls people to give up everything and follow Him.


Do we believe Christ is worth abandoning everything for? Do we believe Jesus is so good, so satisfying, and so rewarding that we will leave all we have, all we own, and all we are to find our fullness in Him? Do we believe Him enough to obey Him and to follow Him wherever He leads, even when the crowds in our culture, and maybe in our churches, turn the other way?  The cost of following Christ is great. However, the cost of not following Christ is even greater.  The cost of believers not taking Jesus seriously is vast for those who don’t know Christ and devastating for those who are starving and suffering around the world. The cost of not abandoning everything to follow Christ is great for those men and women who miss out on the infinite joy of knowing and experiencing Christ in all His fullness.

Learning Goals
  • Explore Goal: Learners will examine what it means to give up everything in their life in order to follow Jesus Christ.
  • Transform Goal: Learners will consider the cost involved in personally following Jesus Christ.