
Biblical Passages

Matthew 10:37-39

Supporting Passages

Mark 8:34-38; Luke 14:25-33

Memory Verse

Matthew 10:39

Biblical Truth

Being a disciple of Christ requires us to follow Him with complete and unwavering commitment.


When we respond to Christ’s invitation to follow Him, we find ourselves in the reality of a daily battle: the new spiritual nature of our souls fighting against our old sinful, selfish desires. Although salvation occurs at one point in time, believers are not automatically immune to sin; transforming into the image of Christ is a process. It requires daily sacrificing our thoughts, wills, desires, and actions to the thoughts, will, commands, and desires of Christ. Christ called His followers to sacrifice themselves completely to Him; we cannot commit pieces of ourselves to Christ and withhold other pieces. He has called us to give ourselves completely, without looking back, and love Him fully above everything and everyone else.

Learning Goals
  • Explore: Learners will discover that following Christ requires their undivided commitment to Him alone.
  • Transform: Learners will examine priorities in their lives that compete with Christ.