Especially for Older Students: Serving Up Justice

(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will list examples of justice and injustice in the world today.

(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Provide a dry erase board and dry erase marker. On the board, design a menu that lists the following specials: “Justice with Righteousness and Fairness” and “Injustice with Evil and Wickedness.” Also provide construction paper and markers.

Assume the role of a waiter or waitress. When students are in place, say: Hi, my name is _____, and I will be your server. Let me take a moment and share with you what our specials are today. Point to the dry erase board at this time. Then say: We’re serving Justice with two sides: Righteousness and Fairness. (This one is my personal favorite.) We’re also serving Injustice along with two sides: Evil and Wickedness. (I don’t recommend this one at all.) So, what will it be for you today?

Next, divide students into two groups. Explain that one group will represent justice and the other will represent injustice. Give each group a piece of construction paper and a marker. Then instruct the first group to think of examples of justice in the world and the second group to think of examples of injustice in the world. Prompt the groups to write their respective responses on the construction paper like items listed on a menu. Share the following example of justice in the world: “Habitat for Humanity—a great way to provide a home to people who never thought they could afford one.” Afterward, allow the groups to share their menus. Then say: We’re starting a new course today called Justice: the Rightness and Fairness of God. Over the next six weeks, we’re going to learn about why justice is so important to God and why it is the standard for living.