(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the sanctity of human life in light of the fact that people are made in God’s image.
(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Place a large poster on the wall. Divide the poster into three columns, labeling them “Caring for Creation,” “Treasuring Human Life,” and “Something Bigger.” Also provide markers and a copy of the book Be the Change by Zach Hunter (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007) or access an excerpt online at www.zondervan.com.
Say: God has commanded us to care for creation and to treasure human life. Ask: In light of the goodness of God’s creation, what are some practical ways that we can take care of creation? Instruct students to write their answers under the first column on the poster. (Possible answers: recycle, pick up trash, plant a tree) Then ask: What are some practical ways to show that you value human life? Instruct students to write their answers under the second column on the poster.
After they have finished, ask: Is there anything bigger that you can do? While they are thinking, go to the paper and write “Stop Slavery.” Invite students to share what they know about slavery in the world today. Then explain that slavery is still a significant modern-day issue. Say: One person has made it his mission to stop slavery in his lifetime. He is a teenager named Zach Hunter.
At this time, read the introduction to (or the excerpt from) Be the Change by Zach Hunter. Allow a couple of minutes for students to react to Zach’s introduction. Then ask: So what is something bigger that you can do? Allow several minutes for discussion. Encourage students to dream big and to get involved in movements related to the ideas that they have discussed. Conclude by reminding students that the discussion does not stop here. Say: Once we recognize the need, we are called to take action. Encourage students to check out Zach’s MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/lc2lc) for more information and inspiration.