(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the stages of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth.
(5–10 minutes, easy set-up)
Download the “It’s All Good!” activity sheet. Print a copy for each student. Download the “It’s All Good! Answers” sheet. Print one copy for your own use. Also provide pens.
Distribute pens and copies of the “It’s All Good” PDF. Instruct students to use the verses listed to fill in each column of the chart that details the creation of the world. After they fill in this column, discuss the answers using the “It’s All Good! Answers” PDF.
Next, pick a letter of the alphabet. Prompt students to fill in the “Example” column with an object from the “God created . . .” column whose name begins with that letter. (Possible answers beginning with the letter “s” are on the “It’s All Good! Answers” PDF.) If time allows, choose another letter for more examples. Then say: God created everything and then said that it was “good.” Think about how good it is to be a part of God’s creation. During your prayer time this week, thank Him for His creation.