
(5-8 minutes)

On a whiteboard or chalkboard, write down response from the students to this question: what are normal activities in our lives where we expect to earn something based on the value or the price we apply to it? Answers could include a paycheck for honest work, a good grade for diligent study, groceries for the sales price, allowance for cleaning our room, and more.

Say: we all expect to earn a fair amount for our work and to give the same to others. Today we are going to see how Paul adamantly distinguishes the gospel of grace from efforts to earn salvation or God's favor. A preacher from history, Jonathan Edwards, pointed out that the only thing we bring to our salvation is our sinfulness. And the wages of that sin according to Paul in Romans 6:23 is death and separation from God. That's why Jesus came, to pay that penalty. Therefore, we do nothing to earn salvation, not because there is no cost, but because as the hymn says, "Jesus paid it all!"