Shepherds: The Next Response

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will consider how to disciple others to the next step of obedience.
Provide a dry erase board and marker.

Acknowledge that, as those who are more mature believers, we are often watched to see how our lives reflect a continual response to the Lord. Emphasize that when we have a relationship with other believers, God has entrusted us with the privilege of helping disciple them make continual decisions toward the Lord, whether through “big” decisions or “little” ones. Say: Over time, as we disciple others in the faith, we can help them grow in the next steps of discipleship.

Ask: How would you describe steps of faith that a person would take, even knowing that spiritual growth isn’t always a linear progression? As learners share, record their answers on the board. Using their answers, also make suggestions that lead a person from very beginning faith steps to discipling others, such as the following: knowing who Jesus is; trusting in Jesus; knowing Christ and His Word; obeying God’s Word; and discipling others.

Then, invite learners to discuss how it looks to walk with others from one step to the next. Say: For example, how does it look to show someone how to know God and His Word or what it looks like to obey in challenging times. Invite learners to share any specific stories about how they were helped in their walk with Christ. If learners are not investing in anyone, encourage them to ask God to direct them to someone who needs to spend time with a more mature believer.

Close out the time together by praying for learners to have wisdom and discernment as they disciple believers to the next response in faith to the Messiah.