Especially for Younger Students: Trust vs. Hope

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the difference between trusting in God and hoping in Him.

Learning Goal: Students will identify ways they can respond to the news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Ask: What is the difference between trust and hope in God? After responses, read the following definitions from Merriam-Webster:

Ask: Based on these definitions, what is the difference between these two words? (Trust is based on what we believe about something or someone, whereas hope is based on what we desire.) Lead students to discuss how the difference in these words have an impact on their lives.

Ask: Thinking about our discussion here, did Mary have hope or trust in God? (She trusted in God’s character to bring about all that He said and in a way that she could have confidence to obey Him, no matter what happened.)

Explain that you are going to read some statements, and students will then discuss how the meaning of each one changes depending on which word (trust or hope) is used:

Encourage students to consider how their lives indicate that they have hope or trust in the Lord. Point out that having trust in a person means that we need to know him or her, and the same is true of God. Instruct students to consider one practical way that they can begin to deepen their knowledge and relationship with God this week.

Lead students in a prayer time, allowing a couple of moments for students to praise God for His trustworthiness and to ask Him for the desire and strength to know Him better.