Discussion: Effects of Forgiving/Not Forgiving

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss the physical effects of forgiving or not forgiving others.
Prepare individual strips of paper for each physical characteristic in the list below. Also provide a dry erase board and marker. (For more information on the effects of forgiveness, go to http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/publications/johns_hopkins_health/summer_2014/the_healing_power_of_forgiveness.) 

Prior to class, write each of the physical characteristics listed below on separate slips of paper. During class, you will distribute these strips of paper to learners.

Say: Many people agree that forgiving or not forgiving others for their offenses can have a significant effect on our physical health. Create two columns on the board: “Effects of Forgiving” and “Effects of Not Forgiving.” Explain that you will distribute strips of paper to learners describing a physical effect caused by forgiving or not forgiving someone. Encourage learners to write the effect listed on their slip of paper in the best column on the board. When learners have finished, used the chart below to review their responses.

Effects of Forgiving     Effects of Not Forgiving
Lowered blood pressure High blood pressure
Less need for medication Anxiety
Better sleep      Depression
Feel better / fewer physical complaints Poor immune response

Ask: What impact has forgiving or not forgiving had on your life, or on the lives of people that you know? Point out that forgiving or not forgiving also produces emotional and spiritual consequences in our lives. Explain that today’s lesson provides learners the opportunity to consider the spiritual consequences of forgiveness.