Especially for Older Students: Jewish Law of Forgiveness

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the Jewish teachings on forgiveness during Jesus’ day.

Ask: How many times would you be willing to forgive someone for cancelling plans at the last minute? For taking credit for your work on a group project for school? For borrowing your phone without permission? For bullying you or another person? As students respond, encourage them to share the reasons for limiting forgiveness for repeated offenses.

Explain that placing limitations on forgiveness isn’t new to this generation. Say: Jewish tradition during Jesus’ time encouraged people to forgive a repeated offender up to three times. On the fourth time, forgiveness was not required because the offender’s repeated actions indicated they were not truly repentant (Holman New Testament Commentary: Matthew, p. 296).

With this Jewish tradition in mind, lead students to discuss these questions: