Servants: Serve without Grumbling

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss why trusting God allows them to serve Him without grumbling.
Provide a dry erase board and markers.

Point out that Caleb and Joshua, along with all of the other Israelites, had seen God do the miraculous when He delivered them from bondage in Egypt, led them on dry ground through the Red Sea, and provided manna for them every morning. Encourage learners to work with a partner to read Numbers 14:1-9 to answer these questions:

Ask: Over the years, what things has God called you to do that seemed easy and enjoyable? Allow volunteers to share, and then ask: In contrast, what things has God called you to do that were filled with challenge, opposition, discouragement, heartache, or even defeat? Again, allow volunteers to share briefly, but don’t let them dwell on this topic. Ask: When did you react like the Israelites—grumbling and complaining? Ask: If you reacted like Caleb, what kept you going during those challenging circumstances? (Faith in God’s calling; trusting God to help them accomplish His purposes; reflecting on God’s faithfulness in the past.) Point out that serving God throughout our lives means that we will experience both the joys and frustrations of serving Him. Ask: How can we use Caleb’s example of firm conviction of trusting God in spite of the odds to help us serve God without grumbling or quitting when we face challenges or opposition? After learners share their responses, conclude by praying that learners, like Caleb, will have “a different spirit and follow God fully” so they can know the blessings He has for them.