Owners: Facing the Giants

(5-8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss a movie that deals with obeying God before seeing results despite obstacles.

Remind learners that when God told Israel to enter the Promised Land there were people in the land who the Israelites would eventually have to deal with. Ask: If God wanted the people to have the land, why didn’t He just give it to them? Encourage learners to discuss, ending with suggesting that sometimes God intentionally leaves obstacles in our paths so we will have to take a risk and move in faith.

Explain that the movie, Facing the Giants, offers a modern-day illustration for consideration. Point out the coach’s faith in God soon allowed him to become the team’s spiritual coach as well as their football coach, which led the entire team to grow and conquer its fears. Then encourage learners to discuss these questions with one or two partners:

Stress to learners that God will not remove all the obstacles from their paths. Conclude by praying that learners will begin to see obstacles as opportunities to move forward in faith, showing a whole-hearted commitment to God that God will reward in ways greater than they ever dreamed possible.