Discoverers: Trust God

(5-8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will identify ways to trust in God’s plan for their lives despite opposition.
Provide an index card and pen for each learner.

Remind learners that Israel sent ten spies into the Promised Land to learn everything they could about the land and the people who lived there. Discuss: How did the reports from Caleb and Joshua differ from the results of the other ten spies? Emphasize that all spies saw the bounty of the land and saw the strength of the people who lived there, but only Caleb and Joshua were ready to follow God into the land. Say: Caleb not only dreamed of entering the land God promised Israel, he was confident that God would make it possible.

Distribute index cards and pens. Ask: What dreams has God given you for your life? Encourage learners to write a short description of those dreams. Ask: In what ways do those dreams rely on your ability? On God’s ability? Invite volunteers to share examples. Be prepared to share an example from your life—past or present—if no one in the class speaks up. Next, ask: What prevents you from whole-heartedly pursuing those dreams? Lead learners to make a list of oppositions below their dreams. Again, invite volunteers to share the oppositions they face. (Oppositions can be internal—like fear—or external—like ridicule and doubt expressed by family and friends or lack of funds.)

Ask: What gave Caleb complete confidence that Israel could enter the Promised Land even though giants dwelt in the land? After learners respond, emphasize that knowing God’s character and His promises gives believers the faith to follow God’s dreams for them even in the face of opposition. Ask: What characteristics or promises from God support the dream that He has given you? Encourage learners to call out their answers, and write on the back of their index cards every answer they hear that encourages them to pursue God’s plan for their lives. Conclude by praying that learners will be constantly reminded of God’s plan for their lives and trust in His ability to bring those plans to fruition if they will place their full confidence and trust in Him.