Comparative Study: History of Unfaithfulness

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will consider the history of the Israelites leading up to this moment of disobedience.
Provide a dry erase board and marker.

Remind learners that God sentenced about two million people to wander the desert for 40 years. Ask: Does it seem like everyone got what he or she deserved? Why or why not? Explain that while the punishment may seem extreme, we can better appreciate God’s decree by looking at the Israelites’ background.

Remind learners of the elaborate way God brought them out of Egypt. Ask: What miraculous powers did God reveal to the Israelites as He brought them out of Egypt? List responses on the board, which could include each of the ten plagues (recorded in Ex. 7-11), saving His people who were protected by the blood of the Passover lamb (recorded in Ex.12), and parting the Red Sea (recorded in Ex. 14). Ask: What would be the logical response to God’s miraculous power? Emphasize that every Israelite witnessed these miraculous acts and should have trusted God. Enlist a learner to read Exodus 32:1–4. Ask: What did the Israelites do when Moses spent many days on the mountain meeting with God? Remind them that the people had to go on a journey before coming to the Promised Land, but this event shows how weak their faith in God remained. Point out that God forgave them for building a golden calf, and then daily provided His miraculous guidance in a cloud and a pillar of fire. Ask: Again, what would be the logical response to God’s miraculous power?

Enlist a learner to read Numbers 11:1. Point out that God gave them daily food, but they did not respond with faith. Enlist a learner to read Numbers 11:4–6. Emphasize that in rebelling again at the borderland, the people acted in line with their character; they proved their unfaithfulness many times. Ask: Why do you think Caleb (and Joshua) placed full confidence in God’s ability to keep His promises when apparently no one else did? Allow learners to discuss, and then point out that God stands ready to reward faithfulness, but He will not contend with unfaithfulness forever.