Toddler: Reinforcement Activity

(10 minutes)

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Option #1

Supplies Needed: Blue fabric, sheets, tablecloth, or butcher paper; construction paper; scissors; tape

Teacher Note: As you prepare for the lesson, cut 10 to 20 simple fish shapes from the construction paper. Using classroom chairs and tables, create barrier near the center of the room. Drape the fabric over the chairs and tables to create a wall of water.

Let the children help you tape the fish you created to the wall of water. As they work, review the Israelites’ passage through the Jordan River. Then choose one person to be Joshua and a few students to be Israelite priests. The rest of the class will act like Israelites. Instruct the priests to stand next to the wall of water. They will stay there as Joshua leads the Israelites across the Jordan River. Once everyone is across, let the priests finish crossing, as well. Be sure to emphasize the miracle that God performed when He caused the water to stop so the Israelites could cross the river. As time allows, let other children play the roles of Joshua and the priests.

Option #2

Supplies Needed: Large clear zip-closed bag, blue hair gel, small foam fish shapes, butcher paper, clear packing tape

Teacher Note: As you prepare for the lesson, cover a table with butcher paper. Then fill one third of the clear bag with blue hair gel. Add about 20 foam fish to the gel. Remove as much air as possible from the bag before you zip it shut. Finally, use the clear packing tape over the zip-close top to ensure that the bag is very well sealed. You can also create individual activity kits for the children using sandwich or snack size bags. If you create individual bags, you will want to be sure to secure all sides of the bags with clear tape to avoid spills.

Gather the children around the table and lay the bag of blue gel flat on the table. Spread the blue gel out evenly inside the bag and tape the corners of the bag to the paper. Remind the children that God performed a miracle when he stopped water of the Jordan River so the Israelites could walk across on dry land. Using the base or side of your hand, press the gel to one side of the clear bag. Then let the children walk their fingers across the empty part of the bag to represent the way the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. As time allows, let the children play with the gel and fish. Talk to them about God’s promise to forgive anyone who trusts in Jesus. God always keeps His promises.