Toddler: Bible Story Time

(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Teaching Aid resource page

Teacher Note: Have the children form a semi-circle on the story time rug. Start your story time with a few stretches to get the wiggles out. Go over your expectations for Bible Story Time (hands in their laps, feet on the floor, listen to you when it is your turn to talk, etc.). Make sure you have the Bible open on your lap while you tell the story.

Below is a Bible story that you can read word-for-word to your students.

We have been learning about the Israelite people. God chose Moses to be the leader of the Israelites. Moses made sure the Israelites understood the laws God gave them. The Bible says in the book of Joshua that after Moses died, God chose a new leader for the Israelites. Joshua was the new leader, and he would lead God’s people into the Promised Land. Even though there was a mighty river between the Israelites and the Promised Land, God told Joshua to be strong and have courage.

When Joshua and the people of Israel arrived at the Jordan River, God performed a miracle. When the Israelite priests stepped into the edge of the river, the water stopped.

Teacher Note: Show the Teaching Aid resource page (see resources) at this time.

The water stopped flowing and formed a wall upstream of the Israelites. Everything downstream began to dry up. God held the water in place long enough for all His people to cross the riverbed. God performed a miracle at the Jordan River and showed everyone that He would keep His promises to His people. Years later, God kept His promise to send Jesus to save us from our sin. We can trust all of God’s promises.

Bible Story Questions (for three-year-olds)

  1. Who was the new leader of the Israelites after Moses died? (Joshua)
  2. What was between the Israelites and the Promised Land? (the big Jordan River)
  3. What did God do to the river? (He stopped the water so the people could walk through the riverbed on dry ground.)
  4. Does God keep His promises? (yes)