Especially for Younger Students: 10 and 2?

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will compare their faith to the 10 spies and the 2 spies.
Provide a dry erase board and marker. Also provide pens and paper for students.

Learning Goal: Students will identify ways to demonstrate wholehearted commitment to God despite opposition.

Remind students that twelve men went into the Promised Land to explore it. Emphasize that ten spies returned with doubts and grumbled against God while two spies believed God’s promises and stood for Him. Ask: How would you describe people who seem to have this “10” mentality? List responses on the board under a column labeled “10.” (Possible answers: They lack faith in God. They focus on the negative human potential in every situation.) Ask: How would you describe people who seem to have a “2” mentality? List responses on the board under a column labeled “2.” (Possible answers: They have incredible faith and believe God’s Word. They are determined to stand up for what is right. They have a positive outlook on life when God has called them to obey.)

Invite students to consider the traits they have listed on the board, and then ask: How would you describe your faith? Are you a 10 or a 2? Distribute pens and paper to students (or instruct students to turn over their worksheets), and then invite students to list in one column the times they have had a “10” mentality—times when they have doubted or grumbled against God. After a few moments, encourage students to list in another column the times they have had a “2” mentality—times when they displayed wholehearted devotion to God. Encourage students to write prayers to God under the “10” column, asking Him to strengthen their faith when it is weak or they are tempted to grumble against Him. Next, encourage students to write prayers under the “2” column, asking God to continue to create within them a wholehearted commitment to Him that cannot be shaken by people or circumstances.