Deeper Discussion

(5-10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss ways they might demonstrate wholehearted commitment to God even when they face opposition to their faith.

Learning Goal: Students will identify ways to demonstrate wholehearted commitment to God despite opposition.

Use the following prompts to lead students to examine the strength of their faith. As students discuss these questions in groups of three to five people, encourage them to consider how they can strengthen their faith so they can live with whole-hearted devotion to God.

Emphasize that whole-hearted devotion to God requires trust, belief, and faith. Challenge students to put forth the effort to spend time in Scripture and prayer so they can develop the faith to remain fully committed to God no matter what opposition they face. Conclude by praying that your students will give priority to prayer and reading the Bible. Pray that God will give your students wisdom, boldness, and strength to follow Him even in the face of opposition.