(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss how Jesus can become a vital part of their ministry efforts.
Provide paper, pens, a dry erase board, marker, and various Bible translations.
Pass out paper and pens. Then, invite learners to write down the things they have done this past week that they would categorize as ministry. After a few moments, call on volunteers to share. (Examples might include teaching a Sunday School class, witnessing to a co-worker, helping an elderly neighbor, gathering clothes for a local shelter.) Point out that believers are called to serve Jesus by serving others, but that service requires much effort and can be exhausting at times. Say: Let’s discuss some ways to increase our reliance on Jesus to guide and empower our ministry efforts.
Explain that John used an interesting word, skenoo, when describing the Incarnation of Jesus. Note that the NIV translates this word as “made his dwelling.” Call on volunteers to read John 1:14 from different translations. Write the different terms used to express “made his dwelling” on the dry erase board. (Possible answers: Amplified— “tabernacled;” KJV—“dwelt;” HCSB—“took up residence;” Message—“moved into the neighborhood”)
Emphasize that John’s focus was the physical presence of “the Word” in the world. State that Jesus was the visible, human expression of God’s presence among people. Say: God became flesh and dwelt among us. Explain that the Apostle Paul wrote that Christ dwells in believers by His Spirit (Col. 1:27).
Instruct learners to evaluate the ministry activities they previously wrote down by considering this question: How might relying on the indwelling Christ have changed your attitude toward and enjoyment of the ministry activities you listed? After volunteers respond, ask: How does Jesus bring light and life to us as we minister as well as to those whom we serve? How can we become more intentional in allowing Christ, who “tabernacles” in us, to guide us and strengthen us as we serve Him by ministering to people? After responses, conclude by leading learners in prayer that the indwelling Christ becomes part of their daily lives as they serve and worship Him.