Owners: In Him is Life

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss what kind of life they receive from Jesus.

Call on volunteers to read John 1:4 and John 20:31. Ask: How do we find “life” in Jesus? (By believing that He is the Christ, the Son of God)

Pass out paper and pens. Write the word life on the board. Then, ask: What kind of life do we receive from Jesus? After responses, explain that two Greek words can be translated as “life.” Instruct learners to draw a line down the center of their papers, and then label the left column Bios and the right column Zoe. State that bios (“BEE-os”) has the general meaning of physical existence. Note that we find this word in our own word “biology.” Explain that bios refers to natural life, which begins at conception and extends to death. Say: Under Bios, list some things that are essential for physical life. After a few moments, encourage learners to their responses.

Next, emphasize that in John 1:4, the apostle used the word zoe (ZOH-ay) which means spiritual life, eternal life, and God’s own life. Stress that this powerful life force transforms whatever it fills. Say: Under Zoe, list some things that are essential for spiritual life. After a few moments, encourage learners to their responses. Ask: Why is it important to trust Jesus for all of life—physical and spiritual? How has your life changed, either physically or spiritually, since you trusted Jesus as your Savior? After learners have responded, conclude by leading learners in prayer, asking God to give them abundant life, physically and spiritually, through their relationship with Jesus—the giver of life.