(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the difference between a religion and a relationship with Christ.
On separate pieces of paper, write a question and Scripture passage from the list below. Also provide pens.
Learning Goal: Students will begin to value Jesus as the Messiah who came to save them from their sins and give them eternal life.
On separate pieces of paper, write these questions and the Scripture passages listed for each:
Divide students into six groups and give each group one of the questions and Scripture passages listed above. (If your class is small, divide students into three groups and give each group two questions.)
Instruct students to look up the verses they’ve been given and to identify how their assigned passage addresses the question they were given. After two minutes, call for responses. Then, explain that we can be tempted to think of Jesus as simply part of a religion instead of as a person who is relevant to our lives. Then, say: If we come to know Jesus as the Messiah, we can experience the abundant life that He offers us.
Allow students two minutes to individually consider how these passages speak specifically to their struggles in these areas. Say: Jesus speaks to our lives and wants to be involved in every aspect. Encourage students to write at the bottom of the Student Worksheet what they will do to allow Jesus to be involved with their struggles. Close by encouraging students to reflectively and silently pray about how Jesus can be involved in their struggles.