(10 minutes, moderate set-up)
Students will examine one of the confrontations between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders.
Provide a dry erase board and marker. On the dry erase board, create two columns labeled “Offense” and “Exchanges.”
Learning Goal: Students will examine how Scriptures from both the Old and New Testament point to Jesus as the Messiah.
Explain that Jesus’ strong words to the leaders who confronted Him came at the end of a series of exchanges. Trace the escalation of the exchanges using the following passages. List each offense and exchange on the board as they are discovered.
Read John 5:8–10. Ask: What was the initial offense noticed by the leaders? (A man was “illegally” carrying his bedroll on the Sabbath.) Explain that this was not a violation of Mosaic Law; rather, it violated the Jews own interpretation of the Law made over the years.
Read John 5:11–15. Ask: What was more important to the leaders, healing or carrying a bedroll? (Carrying the bedroll) Why do you think this was so? (They were more focused on rules than needs.) What was the man’s emphasis in verse 15? (Being made whole)
Read John 5:16. Ask: What ignited the confrontation? (Healing on the Sabbath)
Read John 5:17–18. Ask: What escalated the confrontation to a desire to kill Jesus? (Jesus declared He was God’s Son, equating Himself, truthfully, to God.)
Emphasize that the religious leaders were so concerned about observing the Law that even when Jesus’ revealed His identity by healing the invalid, they failed to see Jesus as the Son of God and long-awaited Savior. Ask: When have we failed to see Jesus as the only One who can heal us?