Discussion: Make Me Stronger

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss the ways that trials and adversity make people stronger.
Provide a dry erase board and marker.

Write this quote, attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche, on the board: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

Divide learners into two groups (or an even number of groups if your class is large). Instruct half of the groups to share reasons why they agree with this statement, and the remaining groups to share reasons why they disagree with this statement.

After a couple of minutes, invite each group to share why they agree or disagree with the statement, listing responses on the board. Ask: Would anyone like to share how a trial or time of adversity in your life made you stronger? After a couple of volunteers have shared, ask: How can we begin to look at difficult times as an opportunity to grow?

Explain that today’s lesson will challenge learners to consider how the trials and temptations of life can provide opportunities for strengthening their faith rather than weakening or destroying their faith.