Fun: Physical Challenge

(5–8 minutes, moderate set-up)
Provide enough dumbbells, heavy books, or gallon jugs filled with water to give two to each participant.

Recruit several learners to compete in a physical challenge of endurance. Instruct each participant to brace himself or herself against a wall in a seated position (but without anyone sitting on anything). As learners are taking their positions, say: This is too easy! Then, give each participant two weights (or an alternative item listed above), one for each hand, and instruct them to hold the weights out to their sides at arm's length. Explain that the learner who can hold this posture the longest wins. As participants begin to struggle, explain to the class that building physical strength and stamina requires hard work and overcoming adversity. Allow learners to stay in their “seated” position against the wall no longer than three minutes.

Afterward, say: Persevering through pain builds strength and stamina. Ask: How does this physical challenge compare to enduring trials in our lives? Emphasize that we require faith to overcome adversity, but persevering through trials and temptations in turn builds more faith. Then explain that today we will discuss how perseverance through trials builds maturity in our faith.