Especially for Younger Students: Eager to Test

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss what kinds of tests they would be eager to take.
Provide a dry erase board and marker.

Ask: What kinds of tests would you be eager to take? List responses on the board. (Possible answers: drivers license, lifeguard certification, martial arts advancement, academic) Ask: Why would you be excited about taking these kinds of tests? Encourage students to share their answers briefly. (Possible answers: Gain independence by driving; get a summer job as a lifeguard; one step closer to the black belt; college academic scholarships)

Then, ask: Why are we most often anxious about tests? Allow students a couple of moments to discuss their answers. (Possible answers: preparing for tests is hard; test anxiety; never do well on tests; tests aren’t an accurate reflection of ability) Ask: How can tests be beneficial for our lives? Allow students to discuss, and then point out that tests help us to grow in skill and understanding. Say: In this lesson, we will explore how tests help us to mature in our spiritual faith so that we become more like Christ.