Owners: The Battle Won

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will examine a hymn stanza to identify what Christ’s resurrection teaches us about who He is and what He did for us.
Provide a dry erase board and marker, and paper and pens for four groups. Provide index cards and pens for learners.

On the board, write the words to the second stanza of Christ the Lord is Risen Today:

Explain that the word “theology” simply means the study of God and that this hymn provides theological insight into the death and resurrection of Christ. Divide learners into four groups and distribute paper and pens to each group. Assign each group one of the lines from the hymn written on the board and instruct them to discuss what the line teaches them about who Jesus was and what He did for us. Allow one or two minutes for discussion before calling for reports. List key words and ideas beside each line on the board.

After groups have responded, distribute index cards and pens to each learner. Say: Today’s Scripture passage reminds us that we have to respond individually to the risen Lord. And even though you’ve already made a profession of faith, you must decide daily what your response means to you. Encourage learners to review what’s written on the board and then to write their personal response to Jesus as their risen Savior and Lord on their index cards. Suggest learners take this response one step further by indicating how they will respond to Him today and tomorrow. Close by praying that you and your learners will never become complacent when they consider what Jesus did for them and how they should respond to Him.