Shepherds: Jesus Over Time

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will consider how their relationship with Jesus has grown over time.
Provide a dry erase board and a marker.

On the board, list the following time periods down the left side of the dry erase board: Child; Teenager; Young Adult; Middle Aged; and Senior Adult. Point out that what we know about Jesus has changed over the years. Point to the first time period on the board (Child), and lead learners to call out words and phrases that describe what they knew and understood about Jesus as children. Record responses on the board. After a minute, move to the next time period and repeat until all have been completed.

Then, discuss: How have you seen your understanding of Jesus changed over time? (It’s matured; it’s become personal; it’s become my own; I depend upon Him more.) After discussion, lead learners in prayer, thanking God for allowing you all to grow in your understanding of and relationship with Christ over the years.