Servants: Jesus to Me

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will express who Jesus is to them.
Provide index cards and pens. Also, provide a dry erase board and marker.

Point out that, as servants who spend much of their time working in the church and serving others, having time to reflect isn’t always a priority. Explain that learners will have that opportunity to think and record their feelings about who Jesus is to them at this point in their lives.

Distribute index cards and pens to learners. At the top of the dry erase board, write: Jesus to Me. Instruct learners to write Jesus to Me at the top of their index cards. Then, instruct learners to think about a noun that best describes Jesus to them at this point in their lives (such as Christ, Savior, Friend) and to write that on the next line on their cards. Point out that there is NO right or wrong answer, because this is all personal.

Then, lead learners through the following prompts, allowing 30 seconds between each prompt:

Ask: Did you discover something new about who Jesus is to you in this exercise? If so, what? Remind learners that our relationships with Jesus continue to develop over time. Point out that, just like a husband and a wife who have been together many years know each other better with each passing year, so our relationship with Christ should grow, strengthen, and mature over time.

Close in a time of reflective prayer, encouraging learners who are willing to prayerfully read what they’ve written about Jesus on their cards. Then conclude: Jesus, help us continue to know you better, to strengthen our relationship with you, and to mature in our faith, as we continue on this journey with You. Amen.