Especially for Older Students: Questions about Jesus

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will personally consider the question, “Who is Jesus?”
Be prepared to share your story of how you trusted Jesus with your life.

Learning Goal: Students will consider how they continue to respond to Jesus’ entrance into their lives.

Divide students into groups of three or four and provide each group paper and a pen. Instruct groups to read Matthew 16:13-16. Then, lead students to discuss these questions in their groups:

After groups have had time to discuss, review Jesus’ questions and lead students to share the differences they noted in these questions. Use the information below to support their responses:

After discussion, share your story of how you trusted Jesus as your Savior. Then, share that Jesus’ question is personal and one that we each have to answer individually. Lead students in this prayer: Jesus, we know that You’ve asked us the same question that You asked Your disciples. And it boils down to one thing: Do we trust You to be our Savior and our Lord? Thank You, Jesus, for giving us the gift of Your life. Teach us how to trust in You completely. Amen. Close by encouraging students who have not yet answered this question personally to talk to you or to someone else they trust about this decision.