Closer Look: Jesus, Immanuel

(5-8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will consider the meaning of Immanuel.

Ask: What does the name Immanuel mean? (God with us) Share that the name Immanuel is central to understanding the ways and teachings of Jesus. Explain that since God’s plan was for His Son to come as a baby and then die on a cross as the Sacrificial Lamb who took away the sins of the world (John 1:29), He would demonstrate that by coming to be “WITH US.” Emphasize that God chose this, even though mankind had chosen to act like He was not with us.

Discuss: What are some other ways that the phrase God with us could be stated? Be prepared to share the following suggestions:

  1. The good news from God (His nearness in spite of our sinfulness is the essence of the Gospel)
  2. We are not alone
  3. God desires to walk closely with us.

After responses, point out that John wrote that God “dwelt among us,” which can be translated “pitched His tent among us.” Say: In The Message Bible, Eugene Peterson translated it, “became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” The good news of Immanuel is that we will never be alone because God is with us.