Context Study: Death Through Fire

(5-8 minutes, easy set-up)

Reference California fires, leading learners to describe the scenes of devastation they have seen on the news. Reread Daniel 3:5–6. State that the furnace, already in flame, was a visible reminder to the people of the consequences for disobeying the king. Say: Picture the scene: All the people have come together in front of the idol. When the music began, everyone immediately fell down on the ground and touched the ground with his or her head—all but the three Jews. Others would have quickly observed their uncompromising action since they were the only ones left standing.

State that furnaces were heated to temperatures that ranged between 1652 and 1832o F. Explain that, although this would have been a horrible death, many early civilizations used burning people alive as the ultimate punishment. Say: For example, burning is mentioned in Leviticus 20:14, Genesis 38:24, and Jeremiah 29:21–22, as well in the Code of Hammurabi (the ancient Babylonian law code). Ask: Did standing in the shadow of the furnace make their refusal to compromise easier or harder? Why?