
Barton, Bruce B., David R. Veerman, and Neil Wilson. Life Application Bible Commentary: Romans. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1992.

Boice, James Montgomery. Romans: Volume 1 (Romans 1–4). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997.

Harrison, Everett F. “Romans.” In The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol. 10. Frank E. Gaebelein, ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977. Available from

Lockyer, Herbert. All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975.

MacArthur, John. The MacArthur Bible Commentary: Romans. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2005.

MacGorman. J.W. Layman’s Bible Book Commentary: Romans, 1 Corinthians, vol. 20. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1979.

McGee, J. Vernon. Walk through the Bible Commentary Series: Romans, Chapters 1–8. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1991.

Murray, Andrew. Experiencing the Holy Spirit. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1985.

NIV Disciple’s Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1988.

Stott, John R. W. The Message of Romans. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994.

Torrey, R. A. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, rev. ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974.

Ware, Bruce A. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2005.