Shepherds: Fostering Gratitude

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Say: It's a pretty obvious fact that gratitude begets more gratitude and bitterness begets more bitterness. Discuss: What examples have you seen of this?

Explain that this is true in our own personal lives and hearts, but it's also true in our families and communities. Ask: How does the attitude of one person influence an entire group? And how does the attitude of one group influence an entire community? Allow time for discussion, and then suggest that when one person has a habit of thankfulness, it usually spreads; but if one person is bitter and feels entitled, that attitude often poisons the group. Discuss: Have you seen this in your own family, church, or community? Has your attitude (either gratitude or bitterness) ever spread to others around you?

Explain that whether we realize it or not, each of us has a tremendous impact on others and we have the power to foster in our own communities either thankfulness and praise to God or a self-centered mindset of entitlement. Discuss: Based on our study today, how can we foster environments of gratitude in our families and communities?

Encourage learners to think of specific ways they can do this in the coming weeks and to carry these ideas out in their daily lives. Conclude by thanking God for the many blessings that He has given each member of your class and by praying that every person in your group will actively seek for ways to infuse gratitude into their actions and conversations with others in the coming week.