Servants: Beyond Obedience

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Enlist a volunteer to read Luke 17:14 again. Explain that an irony in this story is that the nine other lepers who did not return to give thanks to Jesus were actually obeying Him and doing exactly what He had told them to do. Say: Jesus had instructed them to show themselves to the priests, and they did exactly that; yet the man who came back to show his gratitude was the one whom Jesus commended.

Ask: What insights can we draw from Jesus’ response to the man who paused his obedience to show gratitude to Jesus for his healing? Allow time for learners to discuss, and then suggest that we are often busy doing good things—even obeying Jesus’ commands—that we fail to stop and appreciate who He is and what He has done for us. Say: Jesus wants a relationship with us—one where we appreciate, worship, and love Him—more than He wants our works for Him.

Encourage learners to share with one or two others some of the good things they are doing for God. Invite learners to share things they have experienced while doing these good things for which they are thankful. (For example: While teaching Sunday School, I’ve seen children accept Jesus as Savior.) Lead learners to conclude their time of sharing by praying and simply thanking God for the good gifts in their lives.