Context Study: Samaritans

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Share the following information about Samaritans:

[Source: New American Commentary: Luke, p. 318).

Discuss: What Samaritans, besides the one in today's passage, does the Bible mention? Perhaps the most famous is the fictitious character in the "Good Samaritan" parable in Luke 10:30-37. Another well-known Samaritan is the woman at the well in John 4. Jesus also preached to Samaritans (John 4:40-42), commanded His disciples to preach in Samaria (Acts 1:8), and rebuked His disciples when they showed hostility towards Samaritans (Luke 9:51-56).

Explain that Jesus' ministry to Samaritans, and even His propensity to show them in a positive light, is shocking considering the attitudes of most Jews at this time. Say: But we can see that Jesus cared for and ministered to Samaritans, and that God desired to include them in His people. Note that one of the common themes in the New Testament is the inclusion of people who were previously on the outside. Discuss: What are some examples of some of the people He included? (the poor, disreputable sinners, the sick, women, and foreigners). Point out that Jesus not only ministered to outcasts, He often pointed out their virtues and used their faith to highlight the faithlessness of the ones who were already on the inside (France, 275). In today's passage, Jesus used a Samaritan leper to show the need for gratitude and recognition of God's goodness.