Especially for Younger Students: Foundations

(10–15 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will consider the importance of a solid foundation.

(10-15 minutes, easy set-up)
Download the "Foundations" PDF. Print a copy.

Read the two stories from the "Foundations" PDF, or choose two volunteers to each read one story. Ask: In the case of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, how has the foundation affected the building's image? Students will answer with the obvious, "It causes it to lean." Challenge them to see that the building is now famous for its defect, not for its architectural or stylistic merit.) Now consider the same question in regard to the Empire State Building. How has the foundation affected the building? (The foundation is so sturdy that the building can respond to extreme weather.)

Ask three students to read aloud Matthew 7:24-26, 1 Corinthians 3:11, and Ephesians 2:19-21. Say: Each of these verses makes an important point: If Jesus Christ is our foundation, we rest on solid ground. For us to realize our potential-for us to be able to sway with life's bad circumstances-we must stand on the solid foundation of Christ.
