(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Download “Fitting the Bill.” Provide four copies, or instruct learners to turn to that page in the Flawed: Imperfect People Used by God learner book. Download “Fitting the Bill” Answers. Print a copy. Provide pens.
Pass out pens and then divide learners into four groups. Give each group a copy of “Fitting the Bill” or instruct learners to turn to that page in the Flawed: Imperfect People Used by God learner book. Assign to each learner a number, one through four. Instruct group members to look for the action verbs for their assigned passages and to write them in the blanks provided. Ask: Does God sometimes use a pattern in calling individuals to do His work? Call on four learners to read the following passages: Judges 6:7, 11–12; Exodus 2:23–25, 3:1–2; 1 Samuel 16:1, 11–12; Mark 1:16–17. Then use “Fitting the Bill” Answers to note the progressions of each passage, making sure group members chose the correct answers.
Remind learners of God’s call to Moses and Joshua. Point out that when each was called, they did not feel like they fit the bill. Say: Gideon felt insecure and doubted that He could measure up to God’s call on his life, yet God called him to do great things.
Ask: Do you think that even in his wildest dreams, Gideon ever expected to deliver Israel? (probably not) What must he have felt when he realized God chose him? (doubt) Say: Gideon was full of doubt and insecurity, but God saw him as a mighty warrior.