(15–20 minutes, easy set-up)
Download the Teaching Outline. Print a copy. Download the Bible Study Worksheet. Provide a copy for each learner, or instruct learners to turn to that page in the Flawed: Imperfect People Used by God learner book. Provide pens. Display the People are God’s Treasure essential truth poster.
Use the Teaching Outline to teach Judges 6:11–16; 7:1–8. Lead learners to form small groups to discuss the worksheet questions:
- What situation or relationship always makes you feel like an insecure adolescent again?
- Do Christians or non-Christians struggle more with doubt? Why?
- At what point does insecurity and doubt become a sin?
- In what way has God separated the good from the best in your life? What method did He use to do so?
- In what specific area of your life do you lack confidence or feel insufficient to be used by God?