(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will discuss how to share God’s love on a daily basis.
Share that Christmas oftentimes serves as a great time to help others and to share the love of God. Ask: What are some convenient ways to give and serve? (Churches host special Christmas service projects; the Salvation Army stands outside our shopping malls where we can easily give; catalogs in which you can order goats and cows to feed impoverished peoples for Christmas; food drives.) Explain that while all these things are good, it’s important to keep this Christmas attitude of giving and serving throughout the year.
Divide learners into groups of three or four and lead them to discuss the following questions:
After a time of discussion, say: God’s love is great, extravagant, and unconditional. Share that everyone deserves to know they don’t have to struggle through life alone and feeling unloved. Express that, in the ultimate act of love, God sent His Son to earth to die for the sins of the world. Say: This act was necessary for us to have a relationship with Him. Conclude that as we go throughout our days let us look for opportunities to show others the love of God. Lead learners in praying that God will show them ways to share God’s love with those around them.