(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will discuss how Mary pondered the birth of Jesus.
Explain that it is believed that Mary was Luke’s source for his recounting of the Christmas story. Share that this is how we know that Mary pondered the things surrounding the birth of Jesus. Say: The word “ponder” is from a Greek word that means to “give careful consideration to various implications of an issue—‘to reflect on, to think about seriously, to think deeply about’”(Louw-Nida, 30.7).
Express that although Mary played an instrumental part in Jesus’ birth, even she didn't seem to fully understand the immensity of the situation. Discuss: What elements of the Christmas story do you frequently ponder? How does this pondering enhance your understanding of God’s love? Conclude that though we might never understand it, we know that God’s intense love for us has provided salvation for all who accept it.