(5-8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will discuss the article “Why I Hate Christmas” which was written in the 1990s. For more information, go to http://www.newrepublic.com/article/115994/reasons-why-christmas-terrible-holiday.
Summarize that James S. Henry wrote a scathing article depicting his hatred of Christmas, and described how the celebration of Christmas causes economical, environmental, and health problems. Say: Henry described congested cities, hazardous toys, and the emotional distress as all caused by Christmas. State that throughout his article, he only mentioned religion a few times. Share the following quotes:
“Although Christmas is an important religious observance that provides wintertime fun for children (who would probably be having fun anyway), it fails the test of cost-effectiveness.”
“This period's compulsory merriment, hypercommercialism, heavy drinking, and undue media emphasis on the idealized, two-child, two-parent, orthodox Christian family makes those who don't share such lifestyles or religious sentiments feel left out, lonely, and even somewhat un-American.”
Share that Henry’s suggestion was to cancel Christmas, at least for three to four years, to allow the world to recover. Lead learners to discuss the following questions:
Conclude that, through today’s lesson, learners will examine how God showed His love for us through the birth of Jesus.