Especially for Older Students: Fulfilled Prophecy

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will compare passages explaining ways that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament.
Write each pair of Scripture verses listed below on a slip of paper.

Learning Goal: Students will examine how Jesus affirmed the significance of the Law and the Prophets.

Divide students into pairs and give each pair of students one of the pairs of Scripture verses provided below (NOTE: If your class is small, use only a few of these references):

Explain that Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies, and students will compare just a few of them to determine how prophecy about Jesus in the Old Testament was fulfilled in the New Testament. Share the following example: Micah 5:2 prophesized that “A ruler will be born in Bethlehem.” Matthew 2:1 recorded that “Jesus was born in Bethlehem.” Allow time for each pair to identify each way that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy and then lead students to share their findings.

After reports, ask: How do these fulfilled prophecies further emphasize the importance of the Old Testament? What does this fulfillment of prophecy reveal about the reliability of God’s Word? About God’s faithfulness to His promises?