Kids: My Mission

(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Masking tape

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

The students’ mission this week is to practice sharing the Gospel with someone so that they will be ready when God calls them to share the Good News of Jesus. Remind them that the Gospel is the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Believing in the Gospel message is the only way to have eternal life with Jesus.

Remind your students that Paul really wanted to visit the church in Rome and share the Gospel with those in Rome who did not yet know Jesus. However, he would have to wait until God opened the way for him to go. Paul chose to write his letter to the Romans while waiting on God’s timing to visit them.

Emphasize that there will be times in all of our lives when God calls us to wait on Him. During times of waiting, we should pray, read our Bibles, praise God, and encourage others just like Paul did.

Play a game of “Gospel Red Light/Green Light” with your students to illustrate how Paul paid close attention to what God was saying to him and waited on God’s timing. Use masking tape to create a starting line for your students to stand behind. Make another masking tape line at the opposite end of the classroom as the finish line. The teacher will stand on the finish line facing away from the students. When the teacher calls out “green light,” the students will move toward the finish line.

When the teacher calls out “red light” and turns around, all the students must immediately stop moving and either fold their hands as if in prayer or hold their hands as if they are reading the Bible. Remind your students that while Paul was waiting on God’s timing to go and share the Gospel in Rome, he spent time in prayer and in God’s Word. Any students still moving or not “praying” or “reading” will have to go back to the starting line. The first student to cross the finish line will shout, “Believe the Gospel!” This student will become the next “caller.” Instruct your students not to run during this game if you are playing inside.

After several minutes of playing, gather your students back together and encourage them to practice sharing the Gospel message with a friend this week. While they wait for the chance to share the Gospel, they should also pray and read God’s Word.