Kids: Reinforcement Activity

(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: White copy paper, pens, envelopes, markers

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Remind your students that Paul began the book of Romans with a long greeting to those who would read the letter. In his greeting, he explained who he was and who Jesus was to him. Review that Paul wrote the letter to Christians in the church at Rome to encourage them and help them grow in their knowledge of God and faith in Jesus.

Draw your students’ attention to the mailboxes they created during the Early Arrival Activity. Tell them they are going to write the first letter they will put in their mailboxes. Give the students a sheet of paper and a pencil and ask them to write their own introduction and greeting. Suggest that they include information they would like someone to know about them such as how old they are, where they go to school, how many people are in their family, or what they like to do for fun.

Tell them to also write a brief description of who Jesus is and what He has done for them.

Invite any students who wish to share their greetings to do so. Finally, give each student an envelope in which to place the letter. Encourage the students to draw a stamp on the envelope and label it as “Greetings from (their name).” Finally, they will place their letter in their mailboxes. Remind them that they will leave their mailboxes at church for now.