(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Envelopes, paper, markers
Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”
Invite the students to take a seat at the table. Remind the children of today’s Treasure Story and how Paul was writing a letter to the church at Rome. He was writing to the Romans to encourage them in their faith and to tell about God’s righteousness for sinners. Paul wanted the Romans to know that apart from God, we would go to hell when we die. Because of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, however, we can go to live with God in heaven.
Set out the envelopes, paper, and markers. Instruct the children to use the materials provided to write a letter to a friend or family member. Ask the children to write about what they learned from today’s lesson. Encourage them to put their letter in an envelope and ask their parents to help them address it.