Discussion: An Infinite Definition

(5-8 minutes, easy setup)
Provide index cards and pens. Also provide a dry erase board and marker.

Pass out pens and index cards. Lead learners to work with a partner to write a definition for “infinite.” After one minute, call for responses and list them on the board. As common ideas are identified, create a definition that all learners agree on. Share with learners this definition for “infinite” found on Webster.com:

Ask: What kinds of things do we describe as “infinite”? (Answers might include the universe/outer space; the number “pi.”) How do we know that our understanding of infinite is somewhat faulty? (Examples: We may say there are infinite solutions to a problem; or that we have an infinite number of things on a to-do list.)

Point out that today’s lesson will give learners the opportunity to consider how well they understand three different aspects of God’s infinite nature.